Interview settings
Transcription Language
- To change the language of the interview transcription:
1. When inviting a participant to an interview, on the Select Interview Type step, click on the drop-down menu on the Transcription Language field.
2. Select the language option for the interview transcription.
3. Finalize setting up your interview by adding connection devices and share settings, schedules, and custom messages.
Connection devices and share settings
By adding these settings before the interview, you ensure that participants are prepared and join using a device that your project requires.
This feature is especially important if you want participants to join the interview using a specific device and if you want to share your screen and/or image files with participants.
- To enable device and share settings:
Step 1. When inviting participants to an interview, click to turn on the Enable Settings toggle.
Step 2. Click to select which device users should use to join the interview.
a) Mobile or Computer: for this option, you cannot specify share settings for your participant. To do so, please select Mobile or Computer Only.
b) Mobile Only:
1. Click to select the I would like participants to share their mobile screen option.
2. You can choose if you want participants to Use a native mobile browser for mobile web sharing, by checking this option.
Note: When selected, the webpage shared will be opened using a native mobile browser for better compatibility with your webpage, but the URL of the webpage will be exposed. If this option is NOT selected, the webpage shared will be opened using an in-app browser (WebView) where the URL is invisible.
c) Computer Only:
1. Click to select the I would like participants to share their computer screen option.
Step 3. Click to select the checkbox I would like to share my screen and/or image files with participants.
Step 4. Finalize setting up your interview by adding the schedule and custom messages.
Related articles
Interview settings
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